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My team Tweet

A concept I had thought about briefly has now become someones creation and I'm really impressed with design and layout here. The idea is that you can see tweets from all of the premier league teams as well as fans and players themselves, a one stop shop for football tweets.
A clever concept that can be white labelled for leagues around the world.

I like the clean design and app style aesthetics and using a one page template although needs a lot of scrolling it works here slightly with the team shortcuts that directs you to that certain Team.

Hail O Taxi app

I was brought to my attention today an app called Hail O for hailing cabs in London.

The UI and UX is a pleasure on the eyes with the aesthetics simple yet its plain to see that real care has been taken by the designer. The subtle gradients and icons used.

Was also impressed with its ease of use and the idea behind the app that Cab drivers could adopt this SDK and work with it on picking up people.
The idea that you could see the cab drivers face before your picked up is a comforting feature.

Quooker mobile site

Since joining FetchMedia I have been working on a a mobile site for Quooker.
The design is very clean and the finished rendering is some of the best I've seen on mobile!
Full swipe implementation for gallery images is also a nice touch!
Updates will be coming soon for more country specific sites 

Blippar - Interactive ad for Forza 4

Very impressed with the Blippar interactive ads. First time I had experienced the Blippar technology and the quick start up and recognition of the ad was lighting fast.
More impressive was the graphics and the fact you can zoom in on the ad by moving your phone closer to the page. 
A nice feature also was the tap to rev the engine, gimmicky but in a good way.

I now find myself searching through magazines for more Blippar experiences. This might not be the future of advertising as it heavily relies on the user having the app but its a new direction that allows the user to engage with the brand more.

Some logo work

Some logo work for a friend of mine, enjoying mixing a few textures here! Full site to come soon!

Paramount mobile site

For a big client like paramount you would have thought you Would use a somewhat readable font!!

QR here there and everywhere

What's the point of a QR icon if it's unreadable by phone!